Darniet Jennings has varied research interests in enterprise computing and collaboration, including the implications of wiki use within large, distributed organizations. He has over a decade of experience in software development, systems architecture/engineering, and human-machine interaction in organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 10 corporations. Prior to work in the public sector, he was a software/systems architect with Verizon Communications.
The proportion of wiki use in corporate settings has grown substantially in the last few years. However, there have been difficulties noted in wiki deployments beyond the early adopter, technically savvy audiences within large organizations. Business processes of significant complexity typically span multiple functional roles, and this implies a need to offer wiki technology for robust content creation accessible to users of widely varying technical skill. For the heterogeneous user populations found in large corporate environments, this difficulty is often exacerbated by the need to incorporate users of limited technical proficiency. This discussion will address the pros and cons of a full WYSIWYG integration into a MediaWiki installation, along with development drivers and use cases.