Proceedings:Guidelines for contributors
Proceedings of Wikimania 2006
Guidelines for Contributors
Submissions will be subject to copyediting (for spelling, grammar, etc.) and where necessary substantive editing (style, content, etc.), although the latter will be done with a light touch and authors will have every opportunity to approve any changes.
Approval for the final version to be published will rest with the author.
Stages of submission
Presentations will be marked with a bar at the top of the page for each abstract indicating the progress and status of the submission, and will be advanced through these stages by the Editors. The stages are:
- 0 - Missing: the text of the presentation has not been submitted.
- 1 - Submitted: original submission received.
- 2 - Editing: the submission is being edited by the Proceedings editors.
- 3 - Review: editing is complete and the submission is being reviewed by the author.
- 4 - Final edit: last copyedit by the Proceedings editors; the page is locked.
- 5 - Complete: the submission is complete and fully edited.
- 6 - Done: the submission is ready for print publication; PDF version of the submission is prepared.
Proceedings will be made available on the Wikimania 2006 Wiki.
Full text of papers will be made available in the following formats:
- Wikitext
Posters will be made available in the following formats:
- OpenOffice Draw
Slides will be made available in the following formats:
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- OpenOffice Impress
Submission formats
In general, we ask that you submit materials in an editable format. This is for two reasons: firstly to allow the editors to make any necessary changes for publication and secondly to ensure that other people can reuse your data after publication.
Material should be submitted in one of the following formats:
- Text: Wikitext, or an editable text format (plain text, RTF, OpenOffice doc). Please do not send submissions in PDF or other proprietary or non-editable formats.
- Posters: Please submit if possible in an editable, non-proprietary vector graphics format (e.g. OpenOffice Draw, SVG).
- Other images: Images to illustrate papers may be in any appropriate format.
- Slides: PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress. Please send in presentation (.ppt or .odp) rather than show (.pps) format so that they are editable.
Please ensure that your submissions conform as closely as possible to the Style Guide. This saves extra work for the Editors and reduces the delay between submission and publication, so everyone wins!
Where to send submissions
Please send all materials to the editors at wikimania-program <at>
Please do not upload directly to the wiki.
The proceedings of Wikimania 2006 will be published under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) version 1.2, or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation (details).
The GFDL is the license used by Wikipedia and for most other Wikimedia content. The GFDL allows for royalty free use, distribution, and modification of the work and is a "copyleft" license.
By submitting your paper or abstract to Wikimania, you are giving the Wikimania program committee permission to produce and distribute your work under the GFDL, under the same title as the original work, with no cover texts, dedications, endorsements, acknowledgements, or invariant sections.
Of course, the copyright to your work will remain with you: the author or authors. While we will distribute the proceedings under the GFDL, you -- as copyright holder -- are welcome and encouraged to distribute your work and any derivative versions under other licenses -- both more and less restrictive. This may include a dedication to the public domain or distribution under other Creative Commons licenses.