I'm currently involved with the start up of this wiki project -
The Green Commons Wiki - we want to present a Mediawiki project that is underway called The Green Commons It is grounded on the belief that environmental sustainability will be one of the largest issues our planet community will address in the coming years. We believe that the information and knowledge about how to live more sustainably belongs to everyone and there needs to be universal access to this information in addition to an ability to contribute to the collective wisdom. What better cause to harness the collaborating power of a wiki.
The focus of the effort is to help provide more sustainable options to the common person making everyday decisions. You and me. We've begun collecting sustainable techniques around food, building, landscaping, energy, mobility, justice and recycling. The wiki is currently being supported by a grassroots community of 30 people called the Great Lakes Green Initiative.
We've experienced the excitement and struggles with forming a wiki community and beginning to build a collective knowledge base. We would hope it inspires others and we expect there are people out there that have ideas that could be most helpful.